National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations, Inc.
Celebrate Creative Arts Therapies Week
March 17-23, 2025
During the third full week in March each year, creative arts therapists sponsor special workshops, exhibitions, career days and other events to share their work with the public and other professionals. Here are ways you can participate:
Learn: Follow NCCATA on Facebook
Educate: Share information about the creative arts therapies with your own network: research, news stories, case examples (with client permission) or your own experience working as a creative arts therapist
Advocate: Write to your legislators or schedule a meeting to discuss your profession, and make them aware of the creative arts therapies
Connect: Contact NCCATA’s Communications Coordinator and describe how you plan to celebrate. Email a link to your website, blog posts, and social media posts with photos, and NCCATA will share on its Facebook page and on this webpage.
#CATWeek2021 Activities
Paint the Stars
Paint the Stars Art Therapy, LLC is working with most of their clients remotely, but they still found a way to engage their community in celebration of Creative Arts Therapy Week.
Their family of over 75 clients were invited to participate in a special project titled, “What art therapy means to me."

Children ages 3-22 created art using any medium of their choice and added a short write up about their piece. Then on March 14th, they held a closed gallery viewing.
Institute for Therapy through the Arts is hosting its annual Creative Arts Therapy conference virtually March 18-20. In celebration of CAT week, they offered a 25% discount on registration. Visit www.itachicago.org/conference for more information.
They are also holding a contest all week, asking people to share their creative use of the arts on social media. Follow ITA on Facebook to participate.

Art 4 Hearts
13-year old Sydney Thomas from Phoenix, Arizona started Art 4 Hearts two years ago as a way to make life better for kids in difficult situations. Pre-Covid, Sydney hosted Art 4 Hearts projects in children’s homes and at churches. During the pandemic she’s served as a Hope Kids volunteer, hosting art projects over Zoom for children facing health challenges.
Sydney created a special painting called “Ombré Sky” to commemorate CAT Week 2021. You can follow Sydney’s work on Instagram @thesydneycollection.

Creating Healing with Cory
Cory MacDonald was inspired by Creative Arts Therapy Week to offer a free online creative workshop event born out of a foundational chapter in her recently published book, Life in Full Colors.
The self-care workshop called "Relax & Feel the Power of Play" kicked off the start the week on Sunday, March 14th

North American Drama Therapy Association
October 31 - November 3, 2024 Toronto, Canada
American Music Therapy Association
September 22-25, 2024 On-line Symposium
American Art Therapy Association
October 6-9, 2024, Pittsburg, PA
American Dance Therapy Association
October 24-27, 2024 Chicago, Illinois
Member Association Annual Conferences
Each member association hosts an annual conference which showcases cutting edge research in their field and provides avenues for professional development.
National Association for Poetry Therapy
April 10 - 14, 2024 Bethesda Washington DC